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Departing from Monster's Castle: Writing of Life Story of Ye Chen's Publication of“Half Face Daughter”
本文將以「心理傳記法」(Psychobiography method)做為解析陳燁自傳《半臉女兒》的主要研究方法。 「心理傳記法」是傳記學家嘗試運用心理學知識理解被研究對象的生命歷程或重要階段,並且提出解釋的學術研究法。本文採用新心理分析派領袖、個體心理學創建者阿德勒(Alfred Adler,1870-1937)一系列著作中主張的「心理生命為保護自身在環境中安然存活所發展出來的行為應對模式」做為論述參考觀點。他極為注重早年經驗帶來的影響,尤其是童年創傷部分。 何謂「童年創傷」?阿德勒曾提及這個概念:「從早年回憶塑造的性格『原型』,找出家庭教育對兒童心理產生的負面影響,此一影響與傳主日後行為模式有重要關聯。」透過此一追索,將有助於理解陳燁生活目標的設定,如何「有效」或「無效」的克服創傷帶來的自卑感(the inferiority complex)?亦即「原型」提供理解兒時遭遇如何影響了她其後的生命情境。 從陳燁如何述說早期記憶,將是研究者賴以闡釋童年經驗與她成年後的愛情、友誼、社會參與、職業等等人際關係中,重複受挫路徑何以一再出現?前者是理解後者關聯的重要訊息所在。透過此種研究方式,將更深刻認識陳燁生命演變過程,從中獲致啟發及省思。
The purpose of this study is to analyze“Half-faced daughter”which is Ye Chen's autobiography by psychobiography method. The writing of a psychobiography requires working knowledge in psychology to extract major events of a person's life story, while providing sound explanation leading to these events. This paper will be based on theories proposed by Alfred Adler (1870-1937), pioneer of psychobiography. Through a series of publications, Adler suggested that psychological life forms as a result of an individual's way to survive under certain circumstances. A great emphasis was placed in his theory with the importance of traumatic experiences in early life, especially during childhood. Literary analyses will be performed to see how childhood trauma brought to Ye Chen's behavior later in life. By applying Adler's theory, analyses will be focused on how the psychobiographed subject effectively (or ineffectively) overcome sense of inferiority brought forth by her childhood trauma. In other words, how these traumatic events in childhood affects her life. Ye Chen accounts of early life events, as told by the biographed in the analyzed psychobiographies, will provide the basis for this study. Emphases will be placed to examine how and why difficulties continue to arise in different areas through her lives. Difficulties in friendship, social interaction, personal interaction and career development, etc., will be included in the analyses. By tracing back to early life trauma, we may gain a better understanding of how Ye Chen evolve throughout her life.
起訖頁 43-73
關鍵詞 台灣傳記文學陳燁童年創傷生命史Contemporary Taiwanese literatureYe ChenChildhood traumaLife story
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200712 (6期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 台灣海外小說的離散書寫與身分認同的追尋——以六○到八○年代為探討中心
該期刊-下一篇 感官的魅惑與權力的重塑——台灣九○年代女性嗅覺小說書寫探析




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