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The Diaspora Writing and Identity Search of Taiwan Overseas Novels–Case Study of 1960s to 1980s
海外文學是六○年代以降的台灣知識份子在特定的時代環境下出國留學和移民所創作的作品。由於身處異國文化的環境,心中又懷抱著無法割捨的祖國想像與情感,海外文學常出現擺盪在祖國和居留國兩種文化之間難以調適的困惑,而產生了身分認同的迷惘,形成無根與放逐的「流浪的中國人」的創作主題,這一代知識份子也成為「無根的一代」,在異國放逐不歸;身分的追尋與認同迷惘的消解過程,是他們開啟的離散書寫中最引人注目的經歷。 本文將觀察六○年代到八○年代海外文學(以小說為主)的離散書寫,是如何從解決認同迷惘的困境來展開身分的追尋?離散主體認同迷惘的消解,就是身分重新定位的契機,從這個過程中可發現,離散主體從早期漂泊離亂的時代受害者,漸漸轉變為中西政治、社會與文化制度的批判者,由懷想祖國、回歸後的幻滅到不寄希望於祖國和居留國,在兩者間以客觀的角度建立存在主義式的批判性離散認同,從而創造離散主體的特殊價值性與批判性的離散文化,當是台灣海外小說的離散書寫最大的意義所在。
Overseas literature is the works created by Taiwanese intellectuals who studied abroad and immigrate to other countries under a special environment of times since 1960's. As a result of the cultural environment of a foreign country and the un-parted feelings of motherland image and sentiment, overseas literature often appears unadaptable puzzled and swung between the cultures of homeland and residence. It creates disorientation of identity and therefore produces the theme of un-rooted and exile“wondering Chinese”. The intellectuals became an“un-rooted generation”to exile in a foreign land; their counteract process in searching for identity and identifying with the disorientation is the most noticeable part in the diaspora writing they pioneered. The purpose of this study is to observe the diaspora writings of overseas literature (mostly novels) from 1960s to 1980s and how they solve the dilemma of identifying with perplexity so as to unfold the search for identity. When the diaspora subject identifies with the disorientation counteraction, it is the moment to re-position the identity. During this process, we discover that the diaspora subject transforms gradually from a drifting and confused victim in early times to a critic of the Chinese and Western political, social and cultural systems. Starting from the yearning for homeland, the disillusion after return and then the hopelessness towards motherland and the foreign land, the subject establishes a existentialist-style critical diaspora identification based on an objective point of view; and therefore, this creates a special value of diaspora subject and a critical diaspora culture, which become the most significant meaning among diaspora writings of overseas novels.
起訖頁 27-41
關鍵詞 離散放逐身分認同存在主義海外小說DiasporaExileIdentityExistentialismOverseas novel
刊名 文學新鑰  
期數 200712 (6期)
出版單位 南華大學文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《文心雕龍》引道入文的理論效應
該期刊-下一篇 走出妖怪城堡:陳燁《半臉女兒》的生命史書寫




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