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The Differences in Academic Achievement Between One-Child and Four-Child Families
This study used the data from the learning status database of junior high school students in Keelung City to explore the differences in aca¬demic achievement between the only child and the children of the family with four children. These two groups of children had 102 and 87 samples respectively. Through independent samples of mean t-test and regression analysis, the conclusions showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups of children in terms of family socioeconomic status and academic achievement in the eight fields, and the self-educa¬tion expectations of only-children were significantly higher than those of families with four children. Girls who were the only child had signifi¬cantly higher academic achievements in Chinese, English, nature, art and comprehensive activities than boys, while girls with four children had significantly higher academic achievements than boys in the field of com-prehensive activities, and the other seven fields are both boys and girls No noticeable difference. The higher the socioeconomic status of the family with only child and four children, the higher the learning achievement in Chinese, mathematics, social, and natural fields. The higher the self-education expectations of the only child, the better the learning achieve¬ments in Chinese, English, mathematics, social and natural fields; how¬ever, the children’s self-education expectations of four-child families had no significant impact on the learning achievements in all fields. There was no significant difference in academic achievement and family socio¬economic status between an only-child family and a four-child family, which was obviously different from the theory of family resource dilu¬tion, that is, there was a clear gap with the stereotype that more children will lead to poorer academic performance. This is an important finding of this study, and relevant suggestions are provided for practical reference.
起訖頁 229-254
關鍵詞 家庭手足數家庭社經地位家庭資源稀釋理論學習成就family siblingsfamily socioeconomic statusfamily resource dilution theoryacademic achievement
刊名 學校行政  
期數 202403 (150期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 少年事件處理法修法對兒少偏差行為輔導與管教之挑戰與因應




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