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武大国际法评论 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The International Liability Regime for Damage in the Commercialization of Human Spaceflight: Dilemmas and Responses
作者 龍傑陳文真
The development of commercial human spaceflight requires a balance between the public nature of outer space and the private nature of commercial human spaceflight. An international liability regime for damage is essential to manage the costs and risks of commercial human spaceflight. International space law provides general and principled provisions on international liability for damage, and some spacefaring nations have specified liability for damage in their national laws. Based on the existing liability rules in the field of outer space, the construction of an international liability regime for damage is faced with the dilemma of unclear liability subjects and claim subjects, the unreasonable existence of negligence as an exceptional element, the difficulty of unifying international insurance standards, and a liability allocation system in need of improvement. To address the problems faced in the construction of an international liability regime for damage, the international community can identify the subjects of liability and claims through correlation, apply absolute liability for damage, introduce mandatory insurance rules, and form a system of dual liability, thereby providing ideas for the construction of a national legal system for the commercialization of human spaceflight, and at the same time, facilitating the consensus of the international community and the further realization of the concept of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind in the field of outer space.
起訖頁 118-138
關鍵詞 載人航天商業化國際損害責任外層空間法空間物體責任主體commercialization of human spaceflightinternational liability for damageouter space lawspace objectssubjects of liability
刊名 武大国际法评论  
期數 202402 (27:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 從自由主義國際法到威權主義國際法——美國意識形態國際法學說之批判
該期刊-下一篇 數字產品的非歧視待遇問題研究




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