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Reflection and Amendment of The Administrative Litigation Restoration Effectiveness Judgment
作者 梁君瑜
The restoration effectiveness judgment is created by China’s judicial interpretation, and it cannot correspond to the existing form of judgment stipulated in China’s Administrative Litigation Law. In above judicial interpretation, the restoration effectiveness judgment and the remaking reconsideration decision judgement are placed in the same article, and the premise for their application is not strictly distinguished. When the reconsideration change decision is substantially unlawful, revocable and has extinguished the effect of the original administrative action, and at the same time satisfies the conditions that the original administrative action is lawful or illegal but must retain its validity, there is room for the application of the restorative effect judgment. As a positive formation judgment, the restoration effectiveness judgment is contrary to the principle of respecting the first judgment of the executive, but the introduction of“discretion is reduced to zero”as an implicit condition of application can effectively alleviate the above tense relationship. Although at the level of legal norms, the restoration effectiveness judgment has constituted an out-of-litigation judgment, there are no principled provisions prohibiting an out-of-litigation judgment in China, and there are examples of implicit prohibitions or permits of an out-oflitigation judgment in specific provisions. Substantively resolving administrative disputes and providing more thorough protection for plaintiffs are the basis for the legitimacy of this form of judgment to be allowed to make an out-of-litigation judgment. In the future, the restoration effectiveness judgment should be amended from the following aspects: refining respective applicable situations of the restoration effectiveness judgment and the remaking reconsideration decision judgement, introducing the implied condition of“discretion is reduced to zero”, and adding an obligation for the court to notify the party adversely affected by the original administrative action to participate in the litigation as a third party.
起訖頁 88-102
關鍵詞 恢復效力判決實質性化解行政爭議積極形成類判決行政首次判斷權訴外裁判restoration effectiveness judgmentsubstantively resolving administrative disputespositive formation judgmentfirst judgment of the executiveout-of-litigation judgment
刊名 现代法学  
期數 202403 (2024:2期)
出版單位 西南政法大學
該期刊-上一篇 反壟斷民事檢察公益訴訟制度的解釋論
該期刊-下一篇 論受眾預期與司法裁判的契合度不足及實踐應對




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