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What Makes Legal Interpretation Possible? An Inferentialist Account of Legal Interpretation
作者 宋旭光
The basic ideas of inferential semantics are that conceptual practice 1s a language game of giving and asking for reasons, that the meaning of a particular expression is elucidated in an inference, and that to master an expression so as to make it explicit is to master the inferential role of that expression in the relevant language game. According to this theory, the meaning of legal expressions is decided by the inferential role it plays in legal practice. As an activity of inquiry into the meaning of legal expressions, legal interpretation is neither a tracing back process of the preexisting meaning for legal text or original intention of the legislators, nor a creative activity according to specific context. It is an inferential process seeking the best interpretation of the legal discourse, and the correctness of the best interpretive depends on the inferential rules of the interpretive practice, which derive from ''the model of reciprocal recognition'' behind the practice of legal interpretation. Therefore, legal interpretation is a practice regulated by rules, and the objectivity of the meaning of legal norms is determined by the normative structure of this practice.
起訖頁 182-202
關鍵詞 法律解釋推論語義學推論主義布蘭頓Legal InterpretationInferential SemanticsPragmaticsInferentialismRobert B. Brandom
刊名 法制与社会发展  
期數 202401 (30:1期)
出版單位 吉林大學
該期刊-上一篇 證明責任倒置的方法論問題──以善意取得的證明責任之爭為例
該期刊-下一篇 符號學視角下作品認定的方法論研究




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