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Methodological Issues on the Reversal of the Burden of Proof: Taking the Debates on Burden of Proof for Good Faith Acquisition as an Example
作者 吳澤勇
In a strict sense, the reversal of the burden of proof refers to judges' deviating from the allocation of the burden of proof established by legislation. The reversal of the burden of proof, in substantive terms, transfers the risk of losing a lawsuit when essential facts are non liquet, and in procedural terms, reshapes the structure of factual trial. Therefore, this is fundamentally distinct from the alleviation of the difficulties of proving. The allocation of the burden of proof established by legislation can be discovered through legal interpretation; however, the reversal of the burden of proof goes beyond the literal boundaries of the law and can only be understood as legal renewal. Therefore, proponents of the reversal of the burden of proof should demonstrate that there are loopholes in the law regarding the allocation of the burden of proof, and these loopholes cannot be resolved through alleviating strategies of the difficulties of proving. Nevertheless, in China, both scholars and drafters of judicial interpretation have not met this requirement in their arguments of the reversal of the burden of proof in good faith acquisition. Defining the reversal of the burden of proof as legal renewal and clarifying its argumentative requirements contribute to emphasizing the normative features of the allocation of the burden of proof and safeguarding the stability of civil substantive law.
起訖頁 164-181
關鍵詞 證明責任倒置證明困境緩解法律續造法律解釋善意取得Reversal of the Burden of ProofAlleviation of the Difficulties of ProvingLegal RenewalLegal InterpretationGood Faith Acquisition
刊名 法制与社会发展  
期數 202401 (30:1期)
出版單位 吉林大學
該期刊-上一篇 論智能網聯汽車數據的治理之道
該期刊-下一篇 法律解釋何以可能?——法律解釋的推論主義說明




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