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Techniques and Procedures: A Review of Criminal Law Amendments-Beginning with the Addition of Criminal Provisions for Private Enterprise Staffs
作者 羅翔
The provisions of the draft of the Criminal Law Amendment (12) on ''state-owned companies, enterprises'' and other relevant personnel apply to the staff of private enterprises without discrimination, contrary to the principle of equality. The equal protection of private enterprises should focus on equality of rights rather than simple equality of obligations, and the relevant acts carried out by state functionaries and private enterprise staff should not be given the same criminal punishment evaluation if there are differences in legal infringement and personal danger. The new criminal provisions related to the staff of private enterprises in the draft are a crime of breach of trust, but it is not appropriate to stipulate ordinary crimes of breach of trust in the criminal law to avoid them becoming pocket crimes. If the crime of breach of trust by private enterprises must be increased, it should also be placed in the crime of property infringement, and it should be strictly limited to the crime of violating property rights. Such a breach of trust offence can negate the criminality of the act if it is promised in advance or acknowledged by the shareholders afterwards. The newly added breach of trust clause should be coordinated with the Company Law and other previous laws to avoid excessive interference by criminal law in the civil and commercial fields. Whether the draft of the Criminal Law Amendment should continue the previous revision model should be carefully assessed.
起訖頁 173-184
關鍵詞 刑法修正案背信犯罪平等原則Criminal Law AmendmentCrime of Breach of TrustImpartiality
刊名 法学评论  
期數 202401 (42:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 論涉外結婚條件條款的法律適用
該期刊-下一篇 “婚姻締結”與“結婚登記”的二元化規制——《民法典》第1049條的法教義學重構




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