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Emergency Law in HKSAR: Dilemma and Break
作者 章小杉朱國斌
Hong Kong Basic Law (HKBL), Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (HKBORO), Emergency Regulations Ordinance (ERO), and Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (PCDO) together constitute the emergency law in the HKSAR. Being enacted by different organs at different times for different purposes, these statutes are disconnected from each other. Such disconnection not only makes it difficult to understand the emergency powers in Hong Kong but also leaves the Hong Kong government hesitant while exercising emergency powers. To resolve the emergency powers dilemma facing the HKSAR, one should make a holistic and consistent interpretation of the existing emergency law, including statute law and case law. In the anti-mask law cases, courts of the HKSAR maintained the constitutionality of the ERO and confirmed that the ERO may empower the Chief Executive to make rights-restricting subordinate legislation. In the Vaccine Pass cases, courts of the HKSAR examined the legality of the subordinate legislation made under the PCDO and clarified the requirements for subordinate legislation to restrict fundamental rights. The key to understanding the emergency powers of the HKSAR is to distinguish between local emergencies and national emergencies, differentiate between emergency and state of emergency, clarify the options under the executive-led system, and ascertain vertical and horizontal power supervision mechanisms.
起訖頁 56-72
關鍵詞 香港特區緊急權力基本權利緊急情況緊急狀態HKSAREmergency PowersFundamental RightsEmergencyState of Emergency
刊名 法学评论  
期數 202401 (42:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 學術爭鳴與中國法理學的發展
該期刊-下一篇 重塑破產程序中的待履行合同──以“限縮的功能主義”為視角




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