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Reform Executory Contract in Bankruptcy Proceedings: from Restricted Functional Approach
作者 武詩敏
A clear definition of executory contract is the basis of effective treatment. Two essential doctrines have been formed in the U. S. bankruptcy law regarding the definition of executory contract: the material breach test and the functional approach. The material breach test contradicts the relevant provisions of contract law in China and turns the dispute to the definition of material breach. The existing path of distinguishing primary obligation and collateral obligation in China is inconsistent with the inherent value of the executory contract regime. Meanwhile, the problem of obligation groups in contract law itself is also controversial in civil law. The functional approach is reasonable to some extent, but its inherent limitations should not be ignored, and its internal logic is incompatible with Chinas contract law theory. The ''restricted functional approach'' should be adopted to analyze the definition of executory contract. Therefore, attention should be paid to the contractual duty of the debtor, which means a contract that the debtor has not fulfilled its obligations is an executory contract. The consequences of an imbalance of interests that the functional approach may cause can be effectively avoided by applying the ''nodified rejection doctrine.''
起訖頁 73-84
關鍵詞 待履行合同實質違約限縮的功能主義拒絕履行Executory ContractMaterial BreachRestricted Functional ApproachRejection of the Executory Contract
刊名 法学评论  
期數 202401 (42:1期)
出版單位 武漢大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 香港特區緊急權力法律規範:困局與破局
該期刊-下一篇 違反強制性規定的侵權責任構成




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