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作者 趙宏
Due to the influence of private law, the theory of public rights originating from Germany has substantive characteristics, resulting in procedural public rights being classified as formal public rights. Compared to substantive public rights, formal public rights are only an incomplete legal status for individuals, and this incompleteness is particularly manifested in the possible lack of litigation. After World War II, due to the strengthening of the concept that administrative procedures only have service functions, procedural rights and substantive rights have been clearly distinguished and given different judicial remedies. The relative nature of procedural flaws makes violating procedural norms an independent cause for individuals to exercise their right to request revocation. Violation of procedural rights only meets the requirements for infringement of rights in litigation when there is a clear illegal relationship between it and damage to substantive rights. However, with the rise of the concept of“fundamental rights protection through procedures”and the radiation of EU law, German law has increasingly recognized absolute procedural public rights. The procedural flaws of absolute procedural public rights are independent of substantive law norms, and the violation of the procedural provisions can be a separate reason for requesting the revocation of administrative actions. There is no need to consider whether there is any harm to substantive rights. The systematic review of the development and succession of procedural public rights not only constitutes a preliminary understanding of the judicial review system for procedural flaws, but also helps to clarify the procedural public rights and thus shape a complete doctrine of procedural rights in public law.
起訖頁 123-142
關鍵詞 行政程序的服務功能相對程序權絕對程序權經由程序的基本權利保障Service Function of Administrative ProceduresRelative Procedural Public RightsAbsolute Procedural Public RightsProcedural Protection though Fundamental Rights
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202401 (211期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 監察中心主義傾向的理論反思
該期刊-下一篇 包容審慎監管的行政法理與中國實踐




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