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創新游泳課程之學生學習成效──以水中自救及Zwemdiploma C求生技能訓練為取向
Students learning effects in a creative swimming class—water survival and zwemdiploma C survival training as an example
作者 劉兆達陳欣茹
本研究目的有二,一是探討創新游泳課程中,學生在水中自救及游泳技能之學習成效;二是探討創新游泳課程中,學生在Zwemdiploma C求生技能訓練之學習成效;對象為某科技大學游泳課程學生43位,方法採用術科實作測驗、學生反思心得,結果指出:一、學生在水中自救及游泳技能之學習成效,韻律呼吸10次通過率由86.05%提升至100%;水母漂10秒通過率由93.02%提升至97.67%;仰漂10秒通過率由51.16%提升至88.37%;捷泳25公尺(含換氣3次以上)通過率由53.46%提升至81.40%;二、學生在Zwemdiploma C求生技能訓練之學習成效,著衣游泳15公尺(未戴泳鏡)通過率88.37%;潛泳前進3公尺通過率76.74%,獨自攀爬上SUP板通過率86.05%。依據上述結果提出幾點建議:一是未來游泳課程可增加水中自救、游泳換氣動作分段練習及Zwemdiploma C求生技能訓練之內容,以提升學生水中自救及捷泳換氣的能力。二是針對缺席率較高的學生,可以增加課後輔導次數及練習機會,以提升其學習成效。
The study aimed to explore the students’learning effects on water survival, swimming skills, and zwemdiploma C survival training in a creative swimming class at a university. The participants were 43 students in the swimming class. The methods were the testing of water survival and swimming skills and students' reflections. The results were as follows: (a) The rate of students who passed ten times rhythmic breathing was from 86.05% to 100%, the rate of them who passed 10 seconds jellyfish floating was from 93.02% to 97.67%, the rate of them who passed 10 seconds back floating was from 51.16% to 88.37%, and the rate of them swam freestyle 25 meters in 3 breaths was from 53.46% to 81.40%. (b) 88.37% of students passed the 15-meter swimming test wearing clothing and without goggles, 76.74% of them passed the 3-meter diving test, and 86.05% passed climbing on the stand-up paddle (SUP) alone. It advised that it can add contents such as water survival, swimming breathing practices, and zwemdiploma C survival training to improve the abilities of water survival and swimming. It can also add tutoring sessions and practical opportunities for those students with low attendance in the swimming class to improve learning effects on water survival and swimming.
起訖頁 41-56
關鍵詞 水域安全游泳水溫暖氣學習成效Water SafetySwimmingWater TemperatureHeatingLearning Effects
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202403 (20期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 拔罐介入對於運動疲勞和肌肉活化電訊號的影響
該期刊-下一篇 探討奧運新增桌球項目之世界頂尖混合雙打三段技術分析




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