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Effect of cupping therapy on fatigue recovery and electromyography
作者 康乃爾李恆儒 (Heng-Ju Lee)
Purposes: The purpose of this research is to find out how cupping therapy takes effect on fatigue recovery and electromyography. Methods: There are 3 healthy collegiate students with exercise habit included. Each of them will receive 3 groups of intervention, including static cup, moving cup and static rest. The participant will be excluded if they have upper body injury in 6 months, wound on expected cupping area, bleeding and not accept the side effect of cupping. The electromyography and force data will be collected on these points: before the fatigue trial, right after the fatigue trial, and 10, 20, 30 minutes after the fatigue trial. The descriptive statistics is the statistics method, which describes the trend of performance and electromyographic data. Result: The recover of force output shows immediately increase on static and active cupping group, also found that the force output of post30 from static cupping group is the closest to pretest value. The post0 of static cupping group shows increasing trend of RFD, on the other hand, the post30 of active cupping group shows the highest recovering effect. The muscle activation of post30 of static cupping group shows more recovery than the post30 of static group. Although PM and AD activation level of active cupping group shows decreasing trend, but its active level is closer to the value of mid. Conclusion: The recovery of strength and RFD in active and static cupping group may due to the increased level of muscle activation, which recruit more motor unit for performing power push up. The following researcher can focus on the relationship between muscle activation level and sports performance, in order to find out whether cupping therapy works for improving recovery of sports fatigue or not.
起訖頁 27-40
關鍵詞 拔罐疲勞恢復肌肉活化CuppingFatigue RecoveryElectromyography Activity
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 202403 (20期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 女子青少年跆拳道運動員相對年齡效應之分析
該期刊-下一篇 創新游泳課程之學生學習成效──以水中自救及Zwemdiploma C求生技能訓練為取向




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