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Ursula K. Le Guin’s Tao Te Ching :An Interpretation Crossing Cultural Boundaries
作者 陳致宏
《道德經》(Tao Te Ching)是翻譯數量僅次於《聖經》的文本。《道德經》不僅是一部值得進行學術翻譯的中國宗教哲學經典,它做為通俗文學的日益普及,在國內外翻譯研究領域中應得更多關注。儘管不懂中文,科幻文學大師娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩(Ursula K. Le Guin)在1997年以非學者身分出版了她通俗的、具有性別意識的《道德經》譯本。本研究追溯她跨越文化籓籬的《道德經》詮釋傳承族譜脈絡,以得出一位不諳中文的世界知名作家做為「譯者」來「翻譯」《道德經》的背後意義,探索她在眾多《道德經》譯本當中的特殊案例,並透過《老子》研究(即老學)的新趨勢觀點,不再僅透過學術視角看待具有歷史和文化意義的「嚴肅」文本,而是從非學術「通俗」文學的角度,將勒瑰恩的特殊情況置於中文世界老學於其全球延伸的詮釋族譜背景下來看待。
The Tao Te Ching《道德經》(TTC) is one of the most-translated texts next to the Bible. More than just a Chinese religiophilosophical classic that only deserves scholarly translations, the TTC and its ever-growing acceptance as popular literature deserves more attention within the realm of translation studies both domestically and abroad. Despite knowing no Chinese, Ursula K. Le Guin, the legendary literary icon, published her popular yet gender-conscious TTC translation as a non-scholar in 1997. The present study traces her lineage of TTC interpretation across cultural boundaries to arrive at the overlooked implications of a TTC“translation”by a world-renowned“translator”who knows no Chinese, exploring her special case among myriad TTC translations in a renewed trend of Lao Tzu《老子》studies (laoxue老學) that no longer sees historically and culturally significant or“serious”texts only through scholarly lenses, but also from the viewpoint of non-scholarly or“popular”literature. This is achieved by positing Le Guin’s unique case within the context of interpretive genealogy in the international extension of the Chinese study of laoxue.
起訖頁 137-176
關鍵詞 《道德經》娥蘇拉.勒瑰恩詮釋《老子》研究跨文化Tao Te ChingUrsula K. Le GuininterpretationLao Tzu studiescross-cultural
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202403 (17:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 重製╱置之坡:1950-2020愛倫坡短篇小說在臺翻譯研究




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