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Sailing to“Meridian”: A Study of the Translation of Modern Chinese Literature in French Shanghai Daily (Le Journal de Shanghai)
作者 陳碩文
《法文上海日報》(Le Journal de Shanghai)創刊於1927年,由法國哈瓦斯通訊社(Agence Havas)的特派員黃德樂(Jean Fontenoy)創立,法國商會出資,發行時間長達十數年,日銷數千份。《法文上海日報》不只在上海法租界內流通,也發行到法國其他殖民地,在中國出版的法文報紙中有重要的影響力。《法文上海日報》內容豐富,欄目眾多,除世界新聞、金融資訊外,週末更增設文學、藝術等欄位,連載世界文學名著。自1934年1月至該年底,該報週末增刊中增設了「今日中國文學」(La littérature chinoise d’aujourd’hui)欄目,刊出了包括魯迅、郭沫若、陳煒謨、王獨清、柔石等作家的作品,由曾於1931年為《新法蘭西雜誌》(La Nouvelle Revue Française)撰寫專欄的留法學者徐仲年翻譯。在素有「東方巴黎」之稱的上海,《法文上海日報》展現了什麼樣的「世界文學」面貌?徐仲年在《法文上海日報》上又如何譯介中國現代文學作品?其翻譯策略和實績為何?在中國現代文學步入世界文壇之初,又扮演了什麼角色?儘管徐仲年於1930-1940年代的翻譯實踐,並非全未受學者注意,然而,他於《法文上海日報》上的現代中國文學譯介,卻相對較少引起學界關注,無疑值得深入析論。
French Shanghai Daily (Le Journal de Shanghai) was founded in 1927 by Jean Fontenoy, the special commissioner of Agency Havas. It was funded by the French Chamber of Commerce. It was published for more than ten years and sold thousands of copies daily. French Shanghai Daily was not only circulated in the French concession of Shanghai, but also distributed to other French colonies. It was the most important French newspaper published in Republican China. French Shanghai Daily was rich in content and had a variety of columns. In addition to world news and financial information, it also included literature and art columns on weekends, serializing world literary masterpieces. From January 1934 to the end of that year, the newspaper’s weekend supplement added a column entitled“Today’s Chinese Literature”(La littérature chinoise d’aujourd’hui), which published the French translation of works by Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Chen Weimo, Wang Duqing, Rou Shi and other Chinese writers. These works were translated by Xu Zhongnian, a scholar who studied in France, who was responsible for the“Chinese Literature”column for La Nouvelle Revue Française in Paris. How did Xu Zhongnian translate modern Chinese literary works to readers in French Shanghai Daily? What were his translation strategies and achievements? And what kind of role did Xu play during the process of modern Chinese literature entering the world literary space? Although Xu Zhongnian’s translation practice was not entirely unnoticed by scholars, his translation and introduction of modern Chinese literature in the French Shanghai Daily has attracted relatively little attention. Borrowing the point of view of the making of world literature, this paper examines the cultural connotation of Xu Zhongnian’s transcultural translation practices during the early republic period.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 法文上海日報徐仲年今日中國文學世界文學French Shanghai DailyXu ZhongnianChinese literature todayworld literature
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202403 (17:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 《毛澤東語錄》的民間日語翻譯及其意識形態




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