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Re-constructing the Local Flavor of Specialty Tea in Pinglin and Luye through Sensory Tea Evaluation
作者 許嘉麟
Taiwan’s tea industry has a long history and has established unique knowledge and techniques for tea production. Thanks to these insights, the tea industry in Taiwan can achieve sustainable development. Every tea region in Taiwan features its own specialty tea, each with distinctive characteristics, flavor profiles, and evaluation standards. However, when delving into the study of specialty tea across various regions, local tea masters, especially those from the younger generation, offer their own unique perspectives on tea flavor. The flavor of specialty tea in each tea region is influenced by the outcomes of tea competitions, as tea masters modify their tea-making knowledge and techniques based on these results. Due to these factors, the tea flavor exhibits variations from year to year. In this context, tea makers play passive roles in defining, preserving, and inheriting tea flavor. However, in the study of“Pinglin Young Tea Farmers”and“Red Oolong Tea Cooperation,”the younger generation of tea masters takes on the role of judges in local tea competitions due to their qualifications as sensory tea evaluators. Within their local organizations of young tea farmers and masters, they collaborate to articulate their own perspectives on the flavor of local specialty tea. Through these efforts, they present local knowledge, techniques, and narratives related to local tea flavors. In this research, we use the establishment of sensory tea evaluation certifications to explore how local tea masters employ their evaluative capabilities in reconstructing the flavor of local specialty tea. The study aims to assess the development and future challenges of the local tea industry, as well as to delineate the distinctive local values of each tea region. Simultaneously, it delves into the local resilience exhibited by the tea industry in response to environmental, technological, and industrial challenges during this process.
起訖頁 119-168
關鍵詞 坪林鹿野茶葉感官品評teaPinglinLuyesensory tea evaluationterroir
刊名 中國飲食文化  
期數 202404 (20:1期)
出版單位 財團法人中華飲食文化基金會
該期刊-上一篇 臺茶的臺灣味:感官經驗、文化傳承與認同
該期刊-下一篇 菜蔬素齋:中國中古時期素食的潔淨象徵與功能




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