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Taste of Young: Sensorial and Social Consumption of the Chinese Youth
作者 張靜紅
Taste has been popularly explored in two directions, one as a gustatory sensation, and the other as an aesthetic standard and a symbolic social marker. Less has been said about the preferences of taste in terms of differences in age. This paper explores the correlation between young people’s preferences in gustatory sensation and the social realities they are confronting in contemporary China. Research is based on ethnographic fieldwork in two southern Chinese cities: Shenzhen, one of the first-tier cities in China that promotes fast-speed work and life, and Chaozhou, a third or fourth-tier city that is well-known for its slower life pace and traditional culture. Drawing on case studies about youth consumption in milk bubble tea, coffee and pure tea, I ask why a certain kind of taste is claimed to belong to the younger generation, and how young people interpret their consumption choices. Inspired by Mary Douglas’concepts of“physical body”versus“social body”, I aim to find out the embedded social meanings behind the taste among the young, in particular the Chinese young generation’s concern with health, lifestyle, happiness, and worries.
起訖頁 7-38
關鍵詞 品味奶茶和工夫茶感官年輕世代深圳和潮州tastemilk tea and gongfu teasensesyouthShenzhen and Chaozhou
刊名 中國飲食文化  
期數 202404 (20:1期)
出版單位 財團法人中華飲食文化基金會
該期刊-上一篇 導論:茶的風味營造、消費與認同
該期刊-下一篇 茶、文化、儀式:探索中國和臺灣對澳洲布里斯本現代飲茶的影響




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