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Wang Tingxiang's“Qi as the Source”Group and“Qi as the Transformation”Body
作者 施盈佑
Wang Tingxiang's thinking is based on ''qi''. There have been many related discussions in the academic circles. However, these current studies still seldom discuss some parts of Wang Tingxiang's thoughts, that is, the group and body under the ''qi'' thinking. Because Wang Tingxiang's thoughts on the body are based on the ''qi'', which means that the ''qi'' will affect our understanding of the ''body''. On this basis, the body is always an individual in the group. Therefore, before interpreting the ''body'', we must first clarify Wang Tingxiang's understanding of the ''group''. Based on this, this article will be divided into two stages for discussion, namely, ''the group thought that regards qi as the source'' and ''the body thought that regards qi as the transformation''. In ''the group thought that regards qi as the source'', Wang Tingxiang believes that ''in the qi, everything is ready'', that is to say, qi contains all things tangible and intangible. Therefore, ''qi'' can be regarded as the largest group. He also said, ''Whether it is imaginary or real, it is all qi.'' This means that since ''Qi'' truly exists, all groups formed by Qi also truly exist. This is a positive understanding of heaven and earth, all things and people. In ''the body thought that regards qi as the transformation'', this article first discusses ''character comes from qi: the body of a group of individuals''. This article attempts to point out that what Wang Tingxiang wants to highlight is not only the individuals belonging to the group, but also emphasizes that the overall understanding of people should include the physical and moral ''body'', rather than focusing only on the moral subject. In this way, we must reconsider the impact of objective reality on people. This article then elaborates on ''The timing and destiny cannot be determined by me: the limitation and creation of the body''. Only in this way can we understand that Wang Tingxiang does not simply believe that time and fate will limit people. He also believes that in the body thought of qi as the transformation, people can obtain a respectable object that suits their own temperaments, or they can break through their own limitations through empathy.
起訖頁 89-120
關鍵詞 王廷相身體氣本氣化群體Wang Tingxiangbodyqi as the sourceqi as the transformationgroup
刊名 東吳中文學報  
期數 202311 (46期)
出版單位 東吳大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論孟郊組詩的創作意識與主題特色
該期刊-下一篇 康熙與乾隆對清代〈禹貢〉學的影響——以胡渭《禹貢錐指》為討論核心




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