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Discussion about Chi Yu Based on Oracles in Tso-Chuan–Centering on Hexagram Da-Yu
作者 吳宛蓉
In Lu Mingong 2, just when Chi Yu was to be born, the father of Chu Chiu, a diviner, generated a Ta Yu hexagram, which symbolized rays shining on all beings, predicting that “If Chi family fades, Lu cannot prosper.” In Lu Zhaogong 32, however, a historian named Shih Mo based his discussion about Chi family on a Ta Chuang hexagram, which referred to the vibration of the earth. This essay aims to explore the differences between these two interpretations of Chi family. Considering that Shih Mo quoted from Shi Jing and I Ching to support his statements, this essay also attempts to examine whether his interpretations of those quotations differ from the meaning of the original texts.
In Tso-Chuan, only Shu Sun-Pao and Chi Yu have their own record of oracles concerning their berth, which were placed after their important life events. Compared with an ordinary oracle which features only a specific incident, the oracle concerning the upcoming berth of people could serve as a better general account of one's life. The mark in the form of the character “friend” on Chi Yu's hand suggested that he was destined to help govern a country. By analyzing the importance of oracles in the description of figures and historical events in Tso-Chuan, this essay seeks to prove that oracles do not belong to superstition, but bear the core values of Tso-Chuan.
起訖頁 111-137
關鍵詞 季友〈大有〉卦〈大壯〉卦卜筮《左傳》人物敘事Chi YuHexagram Ta YuHexagram Ta ChuangDivinationFigures and Historical Events in Tso-Chuan
刊名 子衿論衡  
期數 202106 (6期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「時」在《論》《孟》中的詞彙用法探析
該期刊-下一篇 《禮記.深衣》研究




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