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Study of Peeping and Alienation of Interpersonal Relationship in E Han of Hui-Ching Chang
作者 林徹俐
Among the female writers born in the 1970s, Hui-Ching Chang(張惠菁) was one of the stars in the 1990s. She writes novels and proses, and the latter are mostly her late works. However, her novels are unique and worthy of study. Hui- Ching Chang particularly focuses on people and society, and the extremely subtle and sensitive struggles in interpersonal relationship.
This study is based on her first collection of novels E Han(《惡寒》) which collects two fictions, Journal of Michel de Montaigne(《蒙田筆記》) and E Han. In the former, a graduate student living in Taipei, the French philosopher Michel de Montaigne and the friend reflect, peep and misread each other in a report the graduate student writes. The latter begins with a car accident of death and introduces the inner darkness of a group of Taiwanese living in New York, ambiguous truth and different views in the complicated interpersonal relation. Both fictions are developed from time, death and memory. In the process of looking for the loss of memory in the difficulties of life, people and others peep at each other and it shows the misreading and indifference among people and the severe coldness in modern society.
In E Han, there are two storylines. Besides the storylines, it is based on two aspects. One is reality and dream. The character's images mostly are constructed by the other person's words and imagination. By misreading, people who are observing each other are not realistic. What is reality? The other is interpersonal relationship in the fiction. Is it manipulated? How does it lead to the feeling of severe coldness? Based on the characters, this study explored the two storylines in the fiction, misreading of the characters, self-exploration and interpersonal peeping and alienation.
起訖頁 21-51
關鍵詞 張惠菁惡寒疏離誤解窺視Hui-Ching Chang(張惠菁)E Han(惡寒)AlienationMisreadPeep
刊名 子衿論衡  
期數 202106 (6期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 由概念隱喻觀點論《莊子・養生主》
該期刊-下一篇 從零餘者、倖存者,回歸於生手的天真:論賴香吟《其後それから》的加法書寫




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