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Repentance, Reconciliation, and Exorcism: Daoist Plague Beliefs and Ritual Practices
作者 張超然
In the face of natural disasters, Daoism has its own system of interpretation and response. This system is often expressed not only through classical texts but also predominantly through ritual practices. These types of ritual practices are not presented solely in the form of Daoism; instead, they are intermixed within various religious and cultural traditions, forming a complex and diverse synthesis of rituals. This article aims to integrate the interpretation of classical doctrines with ritual practices, highlighting the understanding of plague beliefs and ritual practices in Daoism during the medieval and even modern periods. It also explores the potential process of their development. Medieval Daoism inherited the ancient tradition of interpreting diseases through malevolent spirits and deities, incorporating it into its own theological system as a crucial element. While the authoritative power to subdue these plague spirits may have evolved, the fundamental structure involving repentance through fasting rituals, reconciliation offering, and exorcism through spells has not undergone significant changes. Building upon the rich contributions of previous scholars, this article continues to explore what explanatory system Daoism presents and the corresponding ritual practices when facing such natural disasters. Additionally, it examines how this system of explanation and practice forms a basic framework, accommodating admitting local traditions of exorcism spells and ultimately manifesting the diverse landscape observed today.
起訖頁 39-63
關鍵詞 道教瘟疫洞淵遣瘟瘟醮Daoismplaguepacification of plaguesplague offering
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從福建明清道壇抄本析論保生大帝被道教吸納的相關問題
該期刊-下一篇 安民與遣送疫情下的臺灣民俗與信仰──以驅瘟與代巡儀式為觀察核心




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