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Analyzing the Related Issues of BaoSheng Dadi 's Inclusion in Daoism from Fujian Ming and Qing Dynasties Daoist Altar Manuscripts
作者 謝聰輝
By examining the current main research discussions related to the belief in the Daoist god Baosheng Dadi, it is rare to be able to use first-hand manuscripts of documents from internal Daoist traditions. Therefore, based on the concept of Daoist regional research and field investigation experience, this paper utilizes various ritual texts and texts for inspection collected by the author from Daoist altars in Fujian and Taiwan to richly demonstrate new evidence. It hopes to deeply discuss the inclusivity of Daoism as a national religion, and how it actively responds, absorbs, and compiles the flourishing and spreading of the belief in Baosheng Dadi since the Song Dynasty, and incorporates it into the operation of the Daoist deity pantheon and Daoist legal system, in order to continuously expand the substantial influence of Daoism. This paper addresses three issues: first, the source and value of the Daoist altars manuscripts "Wuzhenjunji"j吳真君記as the earliest record of the Daoist transformation of Baosheng Dadi; second, the relationship between Baosheng Dadi and the Daoist deity Jingming Dao as seen in the "Tianyi Jiao Ke"天醫醮科from Daoist altars in central Fujian; and third, the functional and familial images of Baosheng Dadi and his followers seen in the divine spells of ritual texts. It is hoped that the new evidence and discussions provided in this paper will significantly aid in clarifying and answering these issues, and contribute to the enrichment of research on Baosheng Dadi.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 天醫淨明道道教化保生大帝道壇抄本Celestial HealingJingming DaoDaoist cultivationBaosheng DadiDaoist altars manuscripts
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
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