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Peace and Evacuation Taiwanese Folklore and Beliefs Amidst the Epidemic—Focusing on the Rituals of Plague Expulsion and Patrol
作者 洪瑩發
Religion often plays a crucial role during disasters, especially during major infectious disease outbreaks(plagues). From expulsion, protection, to spiritual solace and comfort, during recent epidemics like SARS and COVID-19, various religious ceremonies have timely played significant roles. However, due to the immediacy of the events, there are few related records. This article aims to provide firsthand observations and insights into some situations during those times.
Observing the outbreak of the plague in 2020, the Taiwanese folk temples faced various situations related to epidemic prevention and avoidance of controversies. Apart from the dual pressures of public health and public opinion, as the plague continued, popular temples began to conduct various rituals for expelling and preventing the plague, roughly categorized into three types:epidemic prevention, expulsion, and cease of disasters, each corresponding to different thoughts and objectives. The regular ritual of welcoming the celestial patrol to expel the plague also faced multiple pressures, including religious customs, public opinions, epidemic prevention, and medical issues. We have thus documented the dilemmas faced by several important rituals in the southern region.
The popular belief rituals during this epidemic have had the most extensive influence in modern times. With the development of media, the internet, and social networks, the rapid dissemination of information and public perception have been unprecedented. This often leads to dilemmas and conflicts between public health and popular beliefs. Popular temples frequently find themselves stuck in such dilemmas, necessitating rapid responses and adjustments.
起訖頁 65-97
關鍵詞 COVID-19肺炎瘟疫防疫公共衛生COVID-19PneumoniaPlagueEpidemic PreventionPublic Health
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202312 (42期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 懺悔、和解與驅遣:道教瘟疫信仰與儀式實踐
該期刊-下一篇 傳說研究視角下的臺灣新冠疫情謠言初探




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