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The Whole Picture And Meaning Of Benevolence And Wisdom Of Zhu Xi's “Benevolence Theory” And “Hidden Wisdom” Thinking
作者 黃瑩暖
The “Benevolence Theory” is a known article which Zhu Xi brought up after his “New Theory On Equilibrium and Harmony”. In that article, Zhu Xi states that “Benevolence” is the initiation of all the creations, is the essence of Love and is the perfect unity of the Chinese four cardinal virtues: (Ren-Yi-Li-Zhi).
While the statement of “Hidden Wisdom” is emphasized only by Japan Yamazaki school, this school's major scholar is Yamazaki Ansai, who digs into Zhu Xi's books and found that Zhu Xi has given a total different interpretation on “Wisdom”, they are: “Hidden” and “Ending-To-Beginning”. Yamazaki Ansai summarizes all of them and develops a new statement called thinking of “Hidden Wisdom”.
This article is focus on investigation of Zhu Xi's statement of Benevolence in “Benevolence Theory” and compares it with Zhu Xi's statement of Wisdom in “The Yu-Shan Lecture”. Through this process, we can deduct the meaning of “Benevolence” and “Wisdom” from Ontology Cosmology perspective is just same like ” Moral “ and “Existence” from the oneness of heaven and humanity theory to form the complementarity. At the meanwhile, this article also points out that from Zhu Xi's “Hidden Wisdom”, we can further tell its intrinsic meaning of “leverage wisdom to enlighten Benevolence”. This further demonstrates the importance of “Wisdom” in Chu Xi's thinking.
起訖頁 25-48
關鍵詞 朱子仁說智藏Zhu XiBenevolenceWisdomBenevolence TheoryHidden Wisdom
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201612 (28期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
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