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To justify Chu Hsi's “Ko-Chih Kong-fu”: a Reflective-Mode from “Ch'ang-chih ” to “Chen-chih ”
作者 賴柯助
Wang, Yang-ming (1472-1529), a Neo-Confucian philosopher in the Ming dynasty, criticizes that Chu Hsi's claim of “ko-chih kong-fu” implies that the hsin (mind;心) and li (理)are not identical. Therefore, the hsin in Chu Hsi's moral theory is merely a cognitive subject without immanent standard of moral judgment. If (A): “that the hsin does not possess immanent standard of moral judgment in Chu's theory” withstands, then (B): the fundamental premise of Chu's ko-chih kong-fu lies in that the hisn is merely a cognitive mind. The establishment with this conditional clause not only means that ko-chih kong-fu is a kind of cognitive kong-fu, but also leads to the following questions for Chu's moral theory. (1): how can one decide/confirm that the principles one acquired from one's own empirical experience are actually ‘moral', but not ‘irrelevant to morality' or ‘immoral'?” (2): one's imprecise cognition of morality may cause one to make unsound moral judgment and thus act immorally. To solve these two problems, I argue that (P1): Chu claims that the hisn possesses immanent “ch'ang-chih (the ordinary understanding of morality;常知)” which is not acquired through epistemic learning. (P2): ch'ang-chih is the fundamental premise of Chu's ko-chih kong-fu. (P3): through ko-chih kong-fu, one has to elevate one's ch'ang-chih to chen-chih(真知)to provide oneself justification for action. If (P1), (P2), and (P3) withstand, then the aforementioned two problems no longer exist, and it is reasonable to claim that Chu's ko-chih kong-fu is a reflective mode. I call it the argument of “Chu's moral reflection”.
起訖頁 49-75
關鍵詞 格致工夫常知真知道德判準道德反省行動理由Ko-chih kong-fu(格致工夫)Ch'ang-chih(常知)Chen-chih(真知)Standard of moral judgmentMoral reflectReason for action
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201612 (28期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 朱子〈仁說〉與「智藏」思想中的仁智圖像及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 「韓國漢學專輯」序言




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