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The Interpretation of Fang Yi-Zhi's Lost Passage–The Preface to the Zhous' Revised Genealogy in Yao Shih
作者 謝明陽
Guided by Chen Jing, a local scholar, I paid a visit to Mt. Fu, Mt. He Ming, and the former dwelling of Zuo Guang Dou during my stay in Zong Yang, An Hui in August, 2014. After returning to Taiwan, I unexpectedly received Fang Yi Zhi's Lost Passage—The Preface to the Zhous' Revised Genealogy in Yao Shih sent by Mr. Chen. “Yao Shih” refers to Mt. Yao Shih and is also a place name in Zhou Tan Township, Zong Yang, while “the Zhous” stands for the Zhou Qi's family, one big surname with a large population around Zhou Tan. The Zhous family revised their genealogy during the reign of Shu Zhe and under the request of Zhou Qi, Fang composed the preface for the genealogy, which was not included into The Collection of Mt. Fu and thus a rarely known lost passage. It was written in the 13th year of Shu Zhe reign (1656), when Fang was mourning for his father's death in Mt. He Ming. The essay analyzes the main purpose of the preface, specifying that besides being a preface for common genealogies, it also encouraged Zhou secretly to emulate the bold and persevering spirit of the former martyr Zhou Ri-Yao to participate in the career of reviving the Ming Dynasty. It is a pity that Zhou, serving as a staff member of a Ching official, didn't take Fang's advice and changed his mind, which later resulted in the Fang's and Chou's different choices in life, finally leading these two childhood close friends to different paths.
起訖頁 1-24
關鍵詞 方以智周岐周日耀周潭鷂石Fang Yi-ZhiZhou QiZhou Ri-YaoZhou TanYao Shih
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 201612 (28期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 朱子〈仁說〉與「智藏」思想中的仁智圖像及其意義




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