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Research on the Application of Visual Cognitive Guidance Strategies in Writing Teaching Taking College Freshmen as An Example
作者 林雪鈴
The basic application of language symbols and the artistic creativity to express the subject's emotions are the two cornerstones of literary creation. They are of equal importance in different educational stages, but only differs in learning content and learning focus. Taking the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education for Elementary School, Junior High and General Senior High Schools as an example, from primary school to high school education, there is a clear practical orientation towards the use of symbols for communication; and literary works not only inherit the cultural tradition of the use of symbols, but also use the artistic creation of the subject in order to bring creative initiative to culture, all of which still rely on the teaching field to deepen it through courses. This research attempts to teach writing through visual cognitive guidance strategies, with the goal of enhancing creative awareness and promoting the pursuit of literature and art. The article first examines ''The creative outlook of freshmen enrolled in 2019-2021'' and learns: 1. Freshman students in the Department of Applied Chinese Language and Literature of a technical and vocational university enrolled in 2019-2021 yearned for the infinite and freedom of creation, and affirm the rich diversity and functions of creation, but the awareness of independent creation in writing was low. 2.The same group of freshman students had a high willingness to communicate emotional feelings through words, but their artistic pursuit of the lexical skills to convey emotional feelings is relatively weak. Then, using visual maps as a cognitive guidance strategy for teaching literary writing, type analysis and teaching design examples were conducted. It is concluded that visual guidance images can be roughly divided into four categories: concrete graphics, abstract graphics, creative images, and integrated models, and examples of teaching design were proposed respectively. Experimental results were: students could actually use guidance strategies in their writing products, writing reflections showed improved creative awareness, and teachers’teaching evaluation satisfaction was high. It shows that it should be feasible to guide freshman students to write through visual cognitive guidance strategies.
起訖頁 229-280
關鍵詞 文學創作寫作教學認知策略教學設計大學新生Literary creationwriting teachingcognitive strategiesinstructional designcollege freshmen
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202312 (44期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 《小紅帽》圖畫書「吞噬」情節蘊含觀點的圖像語言
該期刊-下一篇 可譯與不可譯性:試析東方白〈魂轎〉之翻譯策略




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