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A Research of Graphic Language with Perspective of Scenario of ''Devour'' from '' Little Red Riding Hood '' Picture Book
作者 劉君
19世紀開始流行圖畫書,用連續圖畫敘述故事,迄今出版了許多《小紅帽》圖畫書,插畫家在圖像上留下他觀看<小紅帽>故事的想法和感受,可能受到近百年來民俗學派、人類學、社會學、心理分析、女性主義、兒童教育對<小紅帽>詮釋觀點的影響,本文以《小紅帽》圖畫書「吞噬」情節為研究對象,梳理《小紅帽》相關文獻,整理關於「吞噬」情節的詮釋,探索這些詮釋觀點的圖像語言。吞噬情節有性的隱喻、退行與重生、時序轉變、貪吃怪物、恐怖母親五種詮釋觀點。研究發現:同床共枕、容器翻覆破裂、紅唇、紅色高跟鞋圖像符碼,隱含了對性的影射;退行與重生的圖像語言表現在大腹便便的肚子、人在腹內的透視圖、剖開肚子拉出人;突顯食物和野狼的獸性可強化貪吃怪物的形象。至於時序轉變的觀點,僅見Bernadette Watts的圖畫書創作。而恐怖母親的觀點,運用名畫諧擬、野狼穿衣的圖像語言來呈現,並以情詩、花卉、照鏡圖像語言,延伸出老年女性快樂原則的延伸意涵。
As picture books, telling stories using continuous pictures, became popular since 19th century, numerous versions of Little Red Riding Hood have been published so far. In these versions, illustrators left their thoughts and feelings using pictures after reading Little Red Riding Hood, and were very likely inspired and affected by the interpretive perspectives of folklorists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, feminists, children educators in recent centuries. This research takes the Devour scenarios of different versions of Little Red Riding Hood as its research object, does reference carding, and analyzes different interpretations in the ''Devour'' scenarios, attempting to explore the graphic language behind these interpretive perspectives.
Five perspectives are discovered including Sexual suggestiveness, Regression and rebirth, timing transition, Greedy monster, and horrible mother. Itis found that sleeping together, the vessel breaks upside down, red lips, and red high heels all have sexual connotations. Pregnancy, profile chart of abdominal cavity, Caesarean section, represent regression and rebirth. The picture of food and the wild of wolf represent the Greedy monster. However, we can only find the proof from Bernadette Watts’s picture to represent timing transition. Moreover, the perspective of horrible mother transferred in other ways in graphic language, by the symbols of great paintings and the picture of wolf in clothes. It is Aalso found that using flowers and love poem in graphic language to show up the principle of joy to older female.
起訖頁 189-228
關鍵詞 小紅帽圖畫書圖像語言吞噬蘊含觀點Little Red Riding Hoodpicture bookGraphic languageDevourperspectives
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202312 (44期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 清代臺灣科舉賦兼用八股文作法的考察──以「比體題」為例
該期刊-下一篇 視覺化認知引導策略運用於寫作教學研究──以大學新生為例




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