中文摘要 |
本研究以夏目漱石藏書收錄的《古今曉齋畫談》(四冊)(1887年)為資料依據,以幕末明治時期的狩野派繪師、河鍋曉齋的寫生論對於漱石的影響為中心,考察漱石的寫生文論中「東洋」的層面。 首先,本研究指出《我是貓》中眠貓的「寫生」的描寫源自於曉齋的寫生論。並且,以《我是貓》中關於曉齋受容的面向作為旁證,明示漱石的三篇文章論(〈關於現今的小說及文章〉、〈描繪自然的文章〉、〈關於文章的趣聞〉)受曉齋畫論的影響。其後,從漱石的〈寫生文〉中的五個特質看出曉齋的影響。 透過本研究的考察,釐清曉齋的影響的同時,《我是貓》的創作促成寫生文論的展開此一層面也更為明瞭。 This study investigates Sōseki Natsume 's Eastern perspective on the discussion of Shaseibun from the reception of Kyōsai Kawanabe, a Kanōschool painter, who lived during the Edo and Meiji periods. This study relies on the contents of Kokon Kyōsai Gadan ( 4 Vols.) (1887), which are part of Sōseki 's book collection, for its information on Kyōsai 's discussions of sketch. This study first demonstrates that I am A Cat’s descriptions of a sleeping cat originate from Kyōsai's discussions of sketch. Second, this study demonstrates the influence of Kyōsai 's theories of painting on Sōseki's three articles, ''About Novels and Articles Today,'' ''Articles of Natural Depictions,'' and ''Anecdote of Articles,'' with the reception of Kyōsai in I am A Cat serving as supporting evidence. Third, this study discovers the Kyōsai 's influence on five features of Sōseki 's ''Shaseibun.'' This study clarifies the contexts of Kyōsai's influences on Sōseki, as well as some of Sōseki 's discussions of Shaseibun based on the creation of I am A Cat. |