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台灣日語學習者的日語長/短母音之發音實踐(A Study of the Realization of Long/Short Vowels in Taiwanese Japanese Learners)
作者 洪心怡
In the field of second language acquisition, research on the pronunciation of Taiwanese Japanese learners generally acknowledges the characteristics of Japanese phonological opposition associated with the pronunciation of long/short vowels. However, despite these studies emphasizing the necessity for learners to accurately produce long/short vowels, there is a noticeable lack of empirical research on how learners achieve long/short vowel pronunciation m different phonetic environments.
To achieve the mora-timed rhythm of Japanese pronunciation, learners must master the appropriate vowel duration when producing long/short vowels. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of learners' long/short vowel pronunciation through quantitative analysis and comprehend the factors influencing learners' long/short vowel pronunciation.
This research, with the participation of 39 Taiwanese learners of Japanese, examines the factors that impact the pronunciation of long and short vowels by Taiwanese Japanese learners. The results indicate that Taiwanese Japanese learners are more prone to errors in short vowels as compared to long vowels. Furthermore, the long/short vowel evaluation experiment showed that syllable position is a crucial factor in affecting vowel length production. The research also investigated various factors that might affect vowel length production, including accent type, semivowels, and syllable structure.
起訖頁 103-131
關鍵詞 台灣日語學習者長/短母音音節位置半母音評價實驗Taiwanese Japanese learnerslong and short vowelssyllable positionaccent typesemivowel台湾の日本語学習者長/短母音音節位置半母音評価実験
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202312 (46期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 夏目漱石的寫生文論之基底--以曉齊的受容為中心--(Foundation of Sōseki Natsume's Discussions of Shaseibun: On Reception of Kyōsai)




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