中文摘要 |
本文從「以古鑑今」的視角,針對仙台藩武士林子平〈1738-1793〉於1786年所著《父兄訓》,探討其中可以讓現代人引以為鑑戒與其現代意義。內容著重於「父兄之過」的「不知八德」、「姑息之智」、「教訓之詞」以及「教子之道」、「八德」教育。 他讓我們反思社會成員對於社會風氣的影響,尤其是養育者自己受的以及施予子女的家庭教育之於社會的重要性。也讓我們檢視教養方法以及如何培養子女的認知能力與非認知能力。《父兄訓》不只是林子平一生思想課題的思考結晶,其中對於當時「父兄」的諄諄勸諭以及社會風氣改善的處方,即便時隔兩百多年,對我們現代人而言,依舊具有借鑑性與啟發性。 This article discusses the inspiration from“Fukeikun”, a document written by the Sendai Domain samurai-Hayashi Shihei in 1786, to modern society by focusing on discussing concepts of fathers and brothers' mistakes, including ''Ignorance of Eight Virtues'', ''Wisdom of Appeasement'' and ''Words of Lessons'', children teaching methods, and the ''Eight Virtues'' education in“Fukeikun”. Hayashi Shihei called for readers to reflect on the influence of society's value system brought from personal behaviors and stressed the importance of family education in shaping the cognitive and non-cognitive abilities of the youngster.“Fukeikun”represents the life philosophy of Hayashi Shihei, and served as a sincere exhortation for the fathers and brothers of his time, providing solutions for improving the social values system. After two centuries, the document remains a source of guidance and inspiration for modern society. |