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政治與社會哲學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Can the Politics of Emotion Acquire Communicability? A New Investigation on the Critique of Emotion and Theory of Judgment in Hannah Arendt’s Thought
作者 李雨鍾
The contemporary politics of emotion faces a crucial challenge of avoiding exclusivity that hinders effective communication, while still recognizing the political force of emotions. This paper proposes a novel approach to the politics of emotion by connecting Hannah Arendt’s critique of emotions with her theory of judgment. The first part of this paper explores why Arendt views emotions as negative elements in politics and concludes three types of relationships between emotion and politics: the unworldly, the worldless and anti-worldly. The second part examines the potential linkage between her critique of emotions and her ideas about judgment, considering the shared structure and the obstacles of incorporating emotions into the framework of judgment. Finally, the paper uncovers three layers within the activity of judgment that perfectly align with the three types of emotion-politics:“reflective transformation”,“anticipated communication”and“worldly framework”. What this paper intends to prove is that the mode of judgement provided by Arendt can be effectively applied to her analysis of political emotions, offering a new perspective on“communicability”to address the challenges in politics of emotion.
起訖頁 65-118
關鍵詞 鄂蘭情感政治判斷溝通他人世界Arendtpolitics of emotionjudgmentcommunicationthe othersworld
刊名 政治與社會哲學評論  
期數 202306 (78期)
出版單位 《政治與社會哲學評論》編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 鄂蘭的政治本體論:一個從時間維度來詮釋共和主義的嘗試
該期刊-下一篇 拆解被保護理由模型:對拉茲法律理由論的批判性反思




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