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A Study on English Curriculum Decided Making in Elementary School in Kaohsiung
作者 許朝信
本研究旨在探討高雄市國小英語科設科教學之經過,因高雄市是國小最早實施英語科教學的縣市。以往對於國小英語教學之研究,大多針對教材、教法、師資及實施現況做研究,所欠缺的是從課程社會學層面,對於國小英語設科教學決定歷程做探討。因此,本研究以「文獻分析」和「訪談」方法收集相關資料,加以統整歸納。得知,影響國小英語科課程決定之重要因素如下:(一)權力影響課程決定;(二)課程受經濟發展之影響;(三)國際化、多元化及資訊化影響課程設立;(四)原有課程機制之配合;(五)社會輿論之壓力;(六)整體行政機制之配合。最後並提出多項建議以供課程設立之參考:(一)課程設立應注重民主化參與;(二 )應注重教學者之意見;(三)應顧及空白課程之需要;(四)應納1學課程決定之自主性;(五)應摒除固有觀念之思惟。
The main purpose of this study is to explore how English made in Kaohsiung’s elementary schools. Because Kaohsiung was the first city that English was a formal subject in elementary school curriculum in Taiwan. Many scholars had investigated English curriculum in elementary school before. Most of their focus was a teaching materials, methodology, teacher’s qualification, and how the English teaching works;therefore, lacking of sociology perspective to study the English curriculum decided making in elementary school. As a result, after using literature analysis and interviewing the scholars, the researcher came out with some important factors that influenced the English curriculum decided making in elementary school such as follows:(1)the power;(2)economic development;(3)internationalization, multiplication, information;(4)the curriculum mechanism;(5)the pressure from the society;(6)and the whole organization mechanism. According to the conclusion, the suggestions include five aspects such as follows:(1)to value the participation with democracy;(2)to reinforce instructors’ points of view;(3)to consider the need on the null curriculum;(4)to offer the school autonomy to the curriculum making;(5)to give us the inherent ideas.
起訖頁 177-195
關鍵詞 課程國小英語課程課程社會學課程決定English curriculum in elementary schoolsociology curriculumcurriculum decided makingcurriculum
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 200012 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 資訊科技中的主體性危機及其井教育上的意涵
該期刊-下一篇 中小學組織慣性與效能之研究 ─ 以台南市為例




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