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教育理論與實踐學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Crisis of Subjectivity in the Age of Computer Technology and its Educational Implication
作者 吳美娟
Studies the crisis of subjectivity in the age of computer technology with regard to the analysis of the role of education and its implication in Taiwan’s Curriculum Reform. Topics discussed include the crisis of existence;the crisis of subjectivity in axiology, discourse, epistemology;and the lost of national identity. In the analysis of the crisis of existence the interdisciplinary technology, the virtual reality and the objectification of subjectivity are discussed. The discussions about the crisis of subjectivity in axiology include the lost of standing─reserve and the destructive enframing. The analyses of the crisis of subjectivity in discourse include the ideology, the death of author and the computer metaphor. The interpretations about crisis of subjectivity in epistemology include the virtual culture, privacy and the meaning. The discussions about the lost of national identify include the analysis of the arising of international corporation and the cosmopolitanism and individualism.An effort also is made to show the relationships between the construction of subjectivity and Taiwan’s Curriculum Reform. Different aspects are concerned include the construction of the existence matrix;new relationship between teachers and students;curriculum integration;the practices of ethics of responsibility;the emphasis of critical literacy;the plurality and flexibility of curriculum;the development of global information ethics;and the compromising between localization and globalization.
起訖頁 159-175
關鍵詞 科技哲學國家主體知識主體論述主體價值主體存在主體九年一貫課程主體的建立主體性危機資訊科技
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 200012 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 中國人的教學反省、困境與突破
該期刊-下一篇 高雄市國小英語科課程設立決定之研究




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