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An Investigation of the Self─Contained Classes for Students with Mental Retardation in Elementary School in Kaushung County
作者 胡永崇 (Hu, Yung-Chung)
本研究以高雄縣三十六所國小附設之自足式啟智班為研究對象。研究之進行方式為設計評鑑表、進行教學及環境參觀、相關資料審閱、啟智班教師及學校相關人員訪談、召開檢討會及研究會、相關文獻評閱等。 研究者綜合前述研究過程所獲得之資料,提出國小啟智班行政運作及教學運作二方面的問題與檢討改進意見。行政運作方面主要探討的問題包括經費運用、「鑑輔會」之運作、校內之特殊教育推行委員會的運作問題、教師助理員的配置問題、在家教育學生安置與巡迴輔導班的運作問題等。教學運作方面主要探討的問題包括個別化教育計畫、啟智班空間規劃、啟智班教師專業能力及溝通協調能力、專業團隊整合、教師工作負荷等問題。
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of classroom goal structure (competitive, cooperative, and individualistic) on children goal orientation, mathematics achievement and intrinsic motivation. The second purpose of this study to assess gender effects, and the interaction effects between goal structure and gender in these learning situations on the variables related mathematics learning.Two hundred forty fifth─grade children(120 boys and 120 girls)participated in this study. Boys and girls were randomly selected from the student population of the school and randomly assigned to one of the 3 goal structure conditions. This experimental study used a 3 × 2 factorial design.Results showed that significance of goal structure effects on mastery goal orientation, mathematics achievement, and intrinsic motivation. Children in the cooperative and individualistic goal groups had higher mastery goal orientations than children in the competitive goal group. They also scored higher mastery goal orientations than children in the competitive goal group. They also scored higher in mathematics achievement and intrinsic motivation. These results suggest that educators should develop a mastery goal climate(an individual or a cooperative goal structure) in their learning contexts, which means to stress the importance of understanding, the process of thinking, monitoring the individual progress, learning for its own sake, and cooperative learning rather than stressing only the outcomes in the mathematics learning environment.
起訖頁 89-113
關鍵詞 啟智班評鑑啟智教育evaluationmental retardationself-contained class
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 200012 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 女性教育人員在退休成長團體課程上單元回饋表之分析
該期刊-下一篇 教室結構對國小學童在成就目標取向、數學成就及內在動機之影響




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