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A Multi-case Study of Liberal Arts Education Models in the United States’Higher Education in the 21st Century
作者 何趙輝鄭光榮阮越海
This article explores the current models of liberal arts education in the US by investigating some curricula of specific universities and colleges in the US. We assume that there are four significant kinds of liberal arts schools in the US, including Absolute liberal arts school, Separate liberal arts schools, Liberal arts before professional education, and Integrated. Then, we investigate four typical schools in the US, namely William College, Princeton University, Harvard University, and Claremont McKenna College. We design qualitative research by accessing the homepages of these colleges and engaging in existing literature and arguments to draw some findings that liberal arts education has a profound impact on American higher education. We found there are three factors to identify the value of liberal arts education in the US: general education, interdisciplinary, and mindset. First, these schools aim to provide general education to students with a broad spectrum of fields and appreciate the role of the trivium of subjects, including rhetoric, thinking, and grammar/writing skills. Besides, general education is integrated into liberal arts education to assist students in acquiring interdisciplinary knowledge and basic critical skills. Eventually, students learn how to brainstorm and shape a mindset to deal with convoluted situations in their life.
起訖頁 255-283
關鍵詞 博雅教育美國高等教育通識教育跨學科思維方式liberal arts educationthe United States higher educationgeneral educationinterdisciplinarymindset
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 父母教育水平對越南學生數學成績的影響:PISA 2018的調查結果
該期刊-下一篇 大學生參與學術和課外活動的獎勵管理方案:以越南胡志明市國家大學社會科學與人文國立大學為例




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