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父母教育水平對越南學生數學成績的影響:PISA 2018的調查結果
The Influence of Parental Education Levels on Vietnamese Students’Mathematics Performance: Findings from PISA 2018
作者 鄧藩小璃阮玉錦
This study aims to explore the impact of parental education levels on Vietnamese students' mathematics performance based on the database of the Programme of International Students Assessment 2018. A quantitative research method was applied in this study. The sample consisted of 2,948 15-year-old Vietnamese students from 87 schools in rural and urban areas. The analysis of variance was used to analyze the differences in students' mathematics performance in five school locations based on their parental education levels. The findings showed that the educational status of parents had a significant impact on students' mathematics performance. The higher the parents' education levels, the better their children's mathematics performance. Based on the findings, some recommendations were contributed to educational policymakers, school administrators, and teachers to improve Vietnamese students' mathematical skills and develop the education system. In addition, future studies were suggested to explore more factors affecting Vietnamese students' mathematics performance.
起訖頁 233-254
關鍵詞 PISA父母教育水平學生表現越南學生數學成績mathematics achievementparental educational levelsPISAstudents performanceVietnamese students
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 突破技專校院學生英語學習不利三大困境:以國立高雄科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 21世紀美國高等教育博雅教育模式多案例研究




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