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The Relationship between Discourse about Emotions during Joint Book Reading and Young Children’s Understanding of Emotions |
作者 |
周育如 (Yu-Ju Chou)、黃迺毓 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在檢視親子共讀情緒言談與幼兒情緒理解能力的關係。以四十六組親子為對象,進行親子共讀問卷調查、學前幼兒語言障礙量表與幼兒情緒理解測驗施測,以及親子共讀語料分析,藉以瞭解一般語言能力及親子情緒言談對幼兒情緒理解發展的相對貢獻。主要的研究發現有三:一、一般語言能力是幼兒情緒理解發展的必要條件而非充分條件;二、我國親子共讀時的情緒言談由父母主導,內容以標示故事人物情緒狀態為主,較少進行情緒因果解釋的談話;三、並非所有的親子言談都有助於幼兒的情緒理解,唯有「以故事人物心中的想法解釋情緒發生的原因」之情緒言談才對幼兒情緒理解能力有所有助益。最後根據研究結果提出未來研究及教育上的建議。 |
英文摘要 |
The present study examined the relationship between the discourse about emotions during joint book reading and young children’s understanding of emotions. Subjects included 46 pairs of parents and children. Questionnaires about joint book reading practices, the Preschooler Language Obstacle Test, the Emotion Comprehension Test, and joint book reading discourse analysis were used to clarify the relationship between general language ability, parent-child discourse about emotions andyoung children’s understanding of emotions. Three main findings were observed: (1) Language ability was necessary but not sufficient for the development of emotional understanding. (2) Parents led the discourse about emotions during joint book reading. The main purpose was to label the characters’ emotions, not to explain the emotions. (3) Not all discourse about emotions was helpful. Discourse that explained what the characters in the story were thinking was most helpful in the development of children’s understanding of emotions. Educational implications of this study and suggestions for future research are discussed. |
起訖頁 |
33-60 |
關鍵詞 |
幼兒、情緒言談、情緒理解、親子共讀、young children、discourse about emotion、emotional understanding、joint book reading |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
201009 (55:3期) |
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科學自我概念之大魚小池效應探究:資優生教育安置方式的思考 |