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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
A Reflection of School-Based Assessment on the Extended Open Admission Program in Taiwan |
作者 |
宋曜廷 (Yao-Ting Sung)、周業太、吳佩璵、林秀珊、曾芬蘭 |
中文摘要 |
教育部推動的擴大高中職及五專免試入學實施方案,在作法與理念上和澳洲與香港所執行的學校本位評量有雷同之處。兩者都是以學生為學習主體、提供其適性與優質之教育機會;同樣需仰賴教師之專業素養,以提高教學與學習品質;此外,皆採計在校成績作為入學申請依據,弱化高風險測驗之角色。因此,國外所執行利用學校本位評量作為入學與考試制度的變革方案之利弊得失,可以作為臺灣的改革參考。本研究目的在於融合校本評量之施行理念與作法,歸納出教育主管機關之政策規劃、教師之信念與專業、社會之態度與支持,以及執行期程和程序等四個可能影響校本評量實施成效之因素,針對現行免試入學方案提出具體建議,期能作為該方案全面實施前,相關政策調整之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 |
The program of extended open admission to senior high school, senior vocational school, and five-year junior college, promoted by the Ministry of Education, is similar to school-based assessment implemented in Australia and Hong Kong. The learners of both programs are students,and the two programs share the same goal of providing adaptive and high quality educational opportunities. Both programs count on teachers’ professional capability to enhance teaching and learning quality. Moreover, they both adopt the GPA as the main application source in order to weaken the role of high-stake exams. Therefore, the experience of employing school-based assessment in other countries can serve as references for the educational reform in Taiwan. The goal of this study is to integrate four concepts of implementation of school-based assessment: policy planning of education authorities, teacher’s beliefs and profession, attitudes and support of the society, and processes/procedures, in order to make a suggestion to the current open admission program and to serve as a reference for modification before the program is implemented. |
起訖頁 |
73-113 |
關鍵詞 |
入學考試、學校本位評量、擴大高中職及五專免試入學實施方案、entrance examination、school-based assessment、the program of extended open admission to senior high school、senior vocational school、and five-year junior college |
刊名 |
教育科學研究期刊 |
期數 |
201006 (55:2期) |
出版單位 |
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該期刊-上一篇 |
高中學生生涯發展組型建構及其在升學與生涯輔導上的意義 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
高中職入學制度中在校成績採計校正方式之比較 |