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Analysis of Chinese Translation of Rereading the Stone by Sher-shiueh Li Based on Translation Theory and Paratexts
作者 陳佳伶 (Jia-Ling Chen)
《紅樓夢》與《西遊記》並列中國清代四大小說之譜,其重要性不下莎士比亞(Shakespeare),是所有中國知識分子的必讀之作。余國藩教授費時13載光陰英譯《西遊記》,名貫中西,以深厚學養寫就兩部鉅著之英文文論集:《余國藩西遊記論集》(余國藩,1989),以及《重讀石頭記:《紅樓夢》裡的情慾與虛構》(余國藩,1997/2004;Yu, 1997),奠定了他在中國古典文學研究領域的學術權威地位。李奭學是這兩部論著的中文編譯者和翻譯者,亦耗時多年方完成翻譯,譯筆精妙高深,考證翔實,堪稱學術領域翻譯者的典範。本文以嚴復(1898)在〈譯例言〉中提出的「信、達、雅」原則等翻譯理論和「副文本」分析來探討與兩部書相關的翻譯策略和理念,目的是對李奭學此一學術翻譯成就進行探祕,以提供不同的研究視角,並為譯者養成注入實用的概念。
Dream of the Red Chamber and Journey to the West are classic works in Chinese literature, of importance no less than that of Shakespeare’s plays in world literature. Professor Anthony C. Yu, a scholar of religion and comparative literature at the University of Chicago, spent 13 years translating Journey to the West in English and wrote two great volumes of critical research of the two novels; one is a collection of essays on Journey to the West, and the other is a monograph, Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. These works have established Professor Yu as an authority in Chinese classical studies. Professor Sher-shiueh Li edited and translated Yu’s Chinese books; his translations are masterpieces in intellectual virtuosity and illustrative of thorough research. This paper explored the translation of these two books based on the three principles of translation proposed by Yan Fu in“Illustratory Notes,”namely faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance, and analyzed the two books’paratexts to investigate the translation strategies and characteristics of Rereading the Stone. The results are expected to provide a new practical perspective that can facilitate the development of academic translators.
起訖頁 111-134
關鍵詞 嚴復譯例言副文本譯序翻譯策略Yan Fuillustratory notesparatexttranslator’s prefacetranslation strategy
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202309 (16:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
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