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反例式哲學實驗: 模態語意、理解規範與一個常態性理論
Counterexample Philosophical (Thought) Experiment: Modal Semantic Issues, Epistemic Normativity, and a Normalcy Account
作者 侯維之
Raising counterexample philosophical thought experiments (here-after philosophical experiments) is one major method of analytic philosophy to refute theses or principles. Various mainstream theories address the modal semantics and modal epistemology of philosophical experiments. However, for a given vignette of a particular philosophical experiment, the semantic value of the original core modal judgement may be changed by adding more details to the vignette. This deviant realisation approach forms a major challenge to semantic as well as epis-temological theories. This paper has three objectives. First, focusing on the epistemic normativity of how to properly understand the method-ological features of philosophical experimentation, the connections be-tween the semantic and epistemic aspects of philosophical experiments are clarified. Moreover, why the eradication of deviant realisations is not the only semantic option is explained accordingly. Second, by setting up semantic and epistemic conditions for their theories to satisfy, why mainstream theories of philosophical experiment—Malmgren’s, Ichikawa and Jarvis’, Williamson’s, and Grundmann and Horvath’s—fail their modal semantic and/or epistemological accounts are ex-plained. An inductive argument is offered to show that semantic and epistemic theories based on standard possible world semantics do not seem to have good prospects of success. Third, by means of epistemic normativity and Gardiner’s and Geddes’ formulations of normalcy, a normalcy account of philosophical experiments is established.
起訖頁 381-434
關鍵詞 反例式哲學(思想)實驗異常體現知態規範性常態性counterexample philosophical (thought) experimentdeviant realizationepistemic normativitynormalcy
刊名 歐美研究  
期數 202309 (53:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歐美研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「Been Here and Gone」: 從美國現代舞團初登臺重構美援文化敘事
該期刊-下一篇 法國近代狩獵法史: 從狩獵權、狩獵許可到禁獵權




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