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「Been Here and Gone」: 從美國現代舞團初登臺重構美援文化敘事
“Been Here and Gone”: Re-Narrating US-Aid Culture Through the American Modern Dance Debut in Taiwan
作者 李宗興
Drawing on a peripheral history perspective inspired by Sinophone queer studies, this essay examines the impact of the United States Cold War policy of cultural diplomacy, specifically the Cultural Presentations Program, in postwar Taiwan. I argue that the indifference to the state-sponsored touring concert of American modern dance company’s in Taiwan in 1962 demonstrates the complexity of the role of US foreign policy, often referred to as cultural imperialism. I analyze the official documents, news reports, dance reviews, and the toured dance works to unpack the negotiations between the agencies and the dance artists, as well as the receptions of the Taiwanese. I use the idea of “Cold War humanism” to explain that the Taiwanese intellectuals and artists’ quest for humanist values, which led to a “cold/cheerless” aftermath, rep-resents their struggles against the ruling party’s control over artistic freedom.
起訖頁 323-380
關鍵詞 美援文化艾文.艾利卡門.德拉瓦德舞蹈外交美國現代舞US-aid cultureAlvin AileyCarmen de Lavalladedance diplomacyAmerican modern dance
刊名 歐美研究  
期數 202309 (53:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歐美研究所
該期刊-下一篇 反例式哲學實驗: 模態語意、理解規範與一個常態性理論




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