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New Strategies for the Design of Activity Projects for the Older AdultsbDuring the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Example of Courses Combined with Online Hands-on Practical Activities
作者 熊曉芳謝佩玲
新冠肺炎自爆發以來,長者是特別容易受影響的族群,而各縣市採取防疫措施,包含暫停或調整開放社區照顧單位,讓平時有持續參與社區活動長者生活受到極大影響。教育部於2017年啟動大學社會責任實踐計畫,鼓勵大學負起服務社會責任,培養學生有社會方向與使命感。本文描述新冠疫情期間長者的身心狀況影響,以及其因應策略,如善用互聯網及人工智能,線上活動取代實體活動等;並以北區某科技大學護理系「長期照護技能實作」課程為例,分享結合校園資源於社區長者進行線上服務實作之經驗。課程於2022年5至6月間,校園因應本土疫情爆發後施行全校線上學習計畫,故課程原設計至某日間照顧中心進行現場實作服務,改為學生在線上進行線上服務,共二次;利用google meet於每次活動前由學生與機構主任、社工師及照服員進行溝通及演練,以確保連線順暢;活動期由學生於線上帶領活動或衛生教育約1小時,含暖身、主活動及回饋;學習成效評量由學生、授課教師及機構三方面共同評分,含學習單、小組討論、觀察記錄、反思單,以及服務成果展示。結果發現學生透過實體或線上實作,皆可精進及創新長照技能於實務場域中;其次提供長者生活照顧技能及輔療活動,可以改善長者身心狀況,增進愉悅感。因此未來校園可以發展線上或多媒體資源於社區服務,改善因疫情或身心狀況無法外出活動長者之身心健康。
During the COVID-19 pandemic, older adults have been a particularly vulnerable group, and prevention strategies have developed by counties and cities in Taiwan including suspending or adjusting the opening of community care units. This is a great impact on older adults’daily life who continue to participate in community activities. Beginning in 2017, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has been promoting University Social Responsibility Projects, allowing universities to emerge as active contributors to local sustainability. Students are steered on-site hands-on learning, and a cooperative approach of study. This article described the physical and mental conditions of older adults during the COVID-19 epidemic, and their coping strategies, such as application of the Internet and artificial intelligence, and replacing physical activities with online activities. The long-term Care Skills Implementation course in a University of Science and Technology in the North District as an example shared the experience of implementing online services for older adults in the community. The online learning was implemented during the epidemic from May to June 2022. The course was originally designed to be implemented in a day care center for on-site services, and it was changed to online services twice. Students communicated and practiced with agency directors, social workers and attendants by using google meet to ensure stable connection before all activities. During the activity period, students led activities or provided health education online for about 1 hour, including warm-up and feedback. The evaluation of learning effectiveness was scored by students, teachers and institutions, including study sheets, group discussions, observation records, reflection sheets, and display of services. The results found that students could improve and innovate long-term care through classroom or online practice. Students could also provide the older adults care and complementary therapy activities which could improve the physical and mental condition of older adults and increase their happiness. In the future, online community services and multimedia resources can be developed in schools to improve the physical and mental health of older adults who cannot go out due to the epidemic or physical and mental conditions.
起訖頁 109-119
關鍵詞 新冠肺炎長者活動方案線上實作COVID-19older adultsactivity projectonline hands-on
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 202306 (38期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 以轉麩醯胺酶改質植物蛋白建立植物蝦加工資料庫
該期刊-下一篇 大專校院新冠肺炎校內防疫組織壓力來源之探討




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