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A Study on the Construction of Liu Xie's Literary Theory Pedigree from“Wen Xin Diao Long——Zong Jing”
作者 楊曉菁
Among the five articles of Core theory in Wen Xin Diao Long, the one that directly refers to and is associated with writing is“Zong Jing”.“Zong Jing”can be viewed as the most valuable in Core theory .“Zong Jing”covers an overall concept of Core theory ,and also integrates Wen Xin Diao Long’s relevant propositions, such as genre and creative writing.“Zong Jing”aims at practically exploring writing levels, so it is highly relevant to Wen Xin Diao Long’s overall ideological content.
“Zong Jing”based on the previous research and literature discussion, this paper explores issues as follows: how“Zong Jing”can comprehensively integrate Liu Xie’s literary works, how Confucian classics are related to literary creation, and how Liu Xie properly extracted and edited“Zong Jing”to survive in the contemporary literary creation and reviews; that is how Liu Xie applied the connection of“Jing”with“Wen”. Liu Xie took“Zong Jing”as the core to connect literary propositions such as creation, writing and criticism. Therefore,“Zong Jing”plays akey role in the transition from retro to creation.
起訖頁 33-71
關鍵詞 宗經篇樞紐論文質並重文體論《文心雕龍》Zong Jing ChapterCore TheoryEqual Emphasis on Content and FormThe Theory of Stylistics“Wen Xin Diao Long”
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202306 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 漢代律學視域下的宇宙圖式——律數、易數與緯學的關係
該期刊-下一篇 從《書儀》看司馬光的喪葬觀




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