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Sima Guang’s Idea of Funeral from the Viewpoint of Shuyi
作者 鄭雨晏
This thesis mainly focuses on the chapter Sangyi in Shuyi, abook of rites, written by Sima Guang(司馬光, 1019-1086), along with relevant researches that Sima Guang had discussed in other works, to investigate his idea of funeral.
In Song Dynasty, traditional Confucian funeral rites faced unprecedented tests. Under the combined effect of many aspects such as Feng Shui, Buddhist reincarnation theory, and ethnic minorities’tradition, funeral customs among the folk show their diverse characteristics that are completely different from traditional funeral rites. Even scholar-officials’and imperial funerals are affected. Sima Guang, who advocates governing the country with rites, integrated relevant chapters in Yili and Liji. He referred to agreat deal of classic documents, and made some adjustment to traditional Confucian funeral rites according to circumstances at that time, devoting himself to rebuilding appropriate funeral rites for the people.
This thesis aims to achieve three goals: firstly, to introduce Sima Guang's different attitudes toward different kinds of contradictions between rites and customs. Secondly, to summarize his criteria for adopting or opposing acertain custom. Most importantly, to reveal the fundamental implications behind his writing——taking the side of ritual study(Li) to rethink customs, safeguarding the dominance of Confucianism, and treating the immanent spirit of rite as principle.
起訖頁 73-116
關鍵詞 司馬光《書儀》喪葬禮俗Sima GuangShuyifuneralrites and customs
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202306 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 承紹與開來:論《文心雕龍.宗經》建構劉勰文學體系之進路
該期刊-下一篇 以「字」為戲——論《鏡花緣》的漢字修辭




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