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川上弘美《水聲》中〈夜啼之鳥〉的多義性解釋(Ambiguous Interpretation of Birds Crying at Night in Hiromi Kawakami's Suisei)
作者 齋藤正志
Hiromi Kawakami's novel "Water Voice(Suisei)", published in 2014, is a story about the forbidden relationship between "I" and my younger brother who listens to the sound of water "at the end of a distant world [omitted] in a modest stream". It is a work that speaks of love. This work is based on the "subway sarin incident", and the siblings will start living together because the younger brother who encountered the incident was conscious of death. In addition, a chapter is devoted to the story of the death of the they beloved mother, making the work even more conscious of death. The opening and closing of this world of forbidden love and death is the "thick, short chirp" of birds on summer nights. The specific name of the bird is not mentioned in the work. Therefore, this "bird singing at night" includes the nightingale that appears in British literature, and the hototogisu, owl, horned owl, and nighthawk that appear in Japanese literature. It is possible. I will examine the relationship of expression citations for these birds, and then consider ambiguous interpretations.
起訖頁 45-63
關鍵詞 川上弘美『水声』<夜に鳴く鳥>多義的解釈川上弘美《水聲》死亡<夜啼之鳥>多義性解釋Hiromi KawakamiWater VoiceDeath( Birds singing rn the night)Interpretation of multiple meanings
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202306 (45期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本文學研究融入SDGs 之視點,以探究多和田葉子小說《太陽諸島》(A Study Japanese Literature Towards SDGs: Focusing Yoko Tawada "Taiyō Shotō")
該期刊-下一篇 新冠肺炎下交換留學生對於支援需求之研究初探──以訪談資料為主──(Research on needs of support for exchange students in Japan:A study based on interviews)




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