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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

日本文學研究融入SDGs 之視點,以探究多和田葉子小說《太陽諸島》(A Study Japanese Literature Towards SDGs: Focusing Yoko Tawada "Taiyō Shotō")
作者 曾秋桂
21世紀の世界的市民が重要な課題の一つに、SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals持続可能な開発目標、エスディージーズ)がある。日本文学研究がSDGsに関わり合い、貢献しうるかと思い、越境作家として世界的に著名な多和田葉子の三部作『地球にちりばめられて』(2018)、『星に仄めかされて』(2020)の地続きとして、今回、3作目の『太陽諸島』(2022)を研究対象に取り扱うことにした。
21世紀的世界公民地重要課題之一為SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals永續發展目標)。本人思索日本文學研究如何與SDGs結合,發揮文學力量,於是關注了世界知名的越境作家多和田葉子《在地球各角落發光發亮》(2018)、《來自星星的訊息》(2020)、《太陽諸島》(2022)三部曲作品。本論文參酌先前的2部作品的研究成果,主要以第3部《太陽諸島》(2022)為考察對象。
One of the essential challenges for global citizens in the 21st century is to advance the motion of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this context, it is conceivable that research on Japanese literature may contribute to these goals. Following my studies on the first two works "Scattered All Over the Earth" (2018) and "Hoshi ni Honomekasarete" (2020), I have selected "TaiyōShotō", literally "The Archipelago of Sun", the third work in Yoko Tawada's trilogy, as a subject of study, as the author has a considerable reputation as a transboundary writer with her other works,.
Upon analyzing and reflecting on the events depicted in " TaiyōShotō," I conclude that three main points stand out. First, by choosing the Baltic Sea route, the author conveys the message of returning to one's original self after a long journey. Second, the title " TaiyōShotō" connotes the integration of all areas of the planet illuminated by the sun into a unified whole. Finally, the themes of environmental protection and gender portrayed in the work enable us to infer that all the 16 SDGs goals, with the exception of SDG 13, are vividly portrayed in the novel. It is noteworthy that Yoko Tawada has showcased her ability to leverage the genre of Japanese literature to address the challenges posed by the SDGs and emerged as a globally renowned writer who embodies the power of Iiterature.
起訖頁 25-43
關鍵詞 SDGs多和田葉子『太陽諸島』日本文学研究文学のカSDGs多和田葉子《太陽諸島》日本文學研究文學力量Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Yoko TawadaTaiyōShotōJapanese Literature StudiesThe Power of Literature
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 202306 (45期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《宇津保物語》中歷史性敘述的痕跡──以檢討「俊蔭」卷為主軸──(Traces of Historical Narration in Utsubo Monogatari: A Review of the Volume "Toshikage")
該期刊-下一篇 川上弘美《水聲》中〈夜啼之鳥〉的多義性解釋(Ambiguous Interpretation of Birds Crying at Night in Hiromi Kawakami's Suisei)




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