中文摘要 |
《宇津保物語》超越了《竹取物語》和《落窪物語》等單一主角世代的故事發展規模,涉及多個主角和家族,甚至與皇族的點線面交織、縱橫交錯成有機體的大河故事。從跨文化研究的角度來看,個人硏究日本平安朝初期的創作物語《宇津保物語》的最終學術使命,是利用積累的閱讀理解和研究能量,欲將這部古典長篇小說翻譯成中文。但是,在實際進行中文翻譯的過程中,發現《宇津保物語》的詳細寫實的、記錄性的敘述知識量龐大,其文體和用語的獨特性需要掌握,否則翻譯很容易受挫、失敗。因此,採用野家啓一的「故事行爲構成(略)歷史性事實」的觀點作爲指標,追溯《宇津保物語》中歷史性敘述的痕迹,藉以支持翻譯工作。 本論文以《宇津保物語》中的「俊蔭」卷為中心,參照佛典、《晉書》的「嵇康」傳和《孝子傳》等歷史典籍來檢討其歷史性敘述。結果顯示,物語的作者負責管理遣唐使帶回日本的佛經和漢籍等重要文獻,並且作為能夠耽讀的一員,飯受到了歷史使命感,擔負著在廣泛社會中的傳播責任,在豐富的創意和強烈的創作慾望激發下,創造出自己獨特的故事世界,藉由虛構的內容重新將歷史事實,以自己的歷史真相重新展現出來。 In Utsubo Monogatari (Tale of the Hollow Tree), the scope of its narrative involves multiple protagonist and families, interwoven with interactions with noble families to achieve organic storytelling. Its narrative is very much different from other Japanese fictional prose narratives such as Taketori Monogatari (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) and Ochikubo Monogatari (The Tale of Ochikubo), both of which only focus on protagonists from a single generation. From a cross-cultural perspective, the ultimate objective of my research on Utsubo Monogatari, which is a creative narrative from the Heian period, is to translate this full-length novel from Japanese into Chinese using an understanding of the text and research findings accumulated over the years. However, during the translation process, it became clear that the detail and realism contained in Utsubo Monogatari, in addition to its documentary-style narration, carry a large amount of knowledge. The uniqueness of the writing style and terminology used in the novel have to be mastered, otherwise it is easy to become frustrated and fail. For this reason, I use the notion that "actions within a story constitute .. . historical facts" as proposed by Japanese philosopher Keiichi Noe to identify traces of historical narration in Utsubo Monogatari and use them to guide my translation work. This paper focuses on the volume "Toshikage" in Utsubo Monogatari. I referred to the Buddhist scriptures, "Biography of Ji Kang" (嵇康) in Jin Shu (The Book of Jin), and Story of the Pious Son (孝子伝), and other historical literature to better understand the historical background of the narrative events. I found that the author of Utsubo Monogatari was tasked with the safekeeping of Buddhist scriptures, Chinese classics, and other important documents brought to Japan by the kentoshi (Japanese missions to Tang China). As an individual who was indulged in reading, the author felt a sense of historical mission to disseminate the knowledge to society. Driven by an abundance of creativity and a strong creative desire, the author created a unique narrative world, using fiction to represent historical facts as his own historical truth. |