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The Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in EU Enlarged Countries
作者 曾秀梅
歐盟自2004 年起持續向東歐擴展成員國版圖,謂之「歐盟東擴國家」。經歷了蘇聯時代計畫經濟桎梏,中小企業的發展完全被壓抑。1989 年共黨政權紛紛垮台,旋展開前所未有的經濟轉型,市場經濟制度下中小企業遂能雨後春筍蓬勃發展。經濟轉型有成,能瓜熟蒂落通過加入歐盟條件,中小企業的角色可說是至關重要。本研究探討2011 年至2020 年的中小企業追蹤資料,分別以「國內生產毛額」及「出口值」為因變數,中小企業四大經濟指標為自變數,包括有「企業家數」、「僱用員工數」、「營業收入」、和「附加價值」,比較分析各國中小企業發展的差異性。結果顯示,中小企業在國家經濟中有著舉足輕重的角色,其對總體經濟的貢獻愈大,該國對中小企業發展環境及經營體質的政策後盾就愈強。
Since 2004, the European Union has continued to expand the territory of its member states to Eastern Europe, which is called the ''EU Enlargement Countries''. Under the planned economy of the Soviet era, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was completely suppressed. The Communist regime collapsed in 1989, and an unprecedented economic transformation took place. In the market economy system, SMEs are able to spring up and flourish. The role of SMEs can be said to be crucial for the economic transformation and the joining into EU. This study explores the panel data of SMEs from 2011 to 2020, taking ''gross domestic product'' and ''exports of goods and services '' as dependent variables respectively, and the four SME economic indicators as independent variables, including ''number of entrepreneurs'', ''persons employed'', ''turnover'', and ''value added'' to compare and analyze the SME development in our sample countries. The results show that SMEs play a pivotal role in the national economy, and the greater their contribution to the overall economy, the stronger the country's policy support for the development environment and operating system of SMEs.
起訖頁 228-235
關鍵詞 歐盟東擴國家中小企業追蹤資料EU Enlargement CountriesSmall and Medium-sized EnterprisesPanel Data
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202306 (11:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
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