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Comparing Australia and Singapore’s Approach to Economic Relations with China
作者 鄭茗歡
Australia and Singapore’s relationship with China is both based on the economic need to capitalise on the trade and investment opportunities China offers. Nonetheless, they both also require other countries’support for their military capabilities and security position. Whilst the operational environment clearly demonstrates the need for China’s economic opportunities, both nations’approach to economic relations with China have nuanced differences attributable to their varied political structures, interest groups, ideologies, historical experiences, and decision-maker predispositions.
Australia’s relationship with China is marred with ups and downs. Under Labor government leadership in the early 2010s, Chinese investment and trade was welcomed, but changes in government, particularly under the Liberal- National Coalition’s Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison, signalled a change in the atmosphere as Australia heavily prioritised security over economic interests by banning Huawei from being involved in nation’s 5G network rollout and limiting Chinese investment in Australia by amending investment laws. Simultaneously, Australia pursued closer alliances and partnerships with the West, such as AUKUS, and viewed China predominantly as a security threat rather than partner. Australia’s cautionary approach to China is driven by a clash of ideology and culture, given Australia strongly values democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, whilst China has consistently disregarded these tenets. Furthermore, Australian history has closely been aligned with the West, stemming from its origins as a British colony and developing a close alliance with the US since World War II.
Contrastingly, Singapore has taken a consistently warm approach to Chinese economic cooperation from independence across its three administrations. Prioritising economic interests, Singapore has welcomed joint government projects, supported China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and positioned itself as the largest foreign investor in China. The close relationship with China is supported by shared ideologies that put Western values such as human rights and democracy lower on the priority list, and a shared historical legacy and culture due to the significant portion of the Singaporean population comprising of ethnic Han Chinese.
起訖頁 53-75
關鍵詞 澳洲新加坡東南亞中國AustraliaSingaporeChinaAlbanese
刊名 WTO研究  
期數 202303 (36期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際事務學院世界貿易組織研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 澳洲印太戰略軌跡
該期刊-下一篇 臺商與韓商對東南亞産業合作之比較研究




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